Wellness with Crystal Skulls • Healing with Crystal Skulls • Crystal Skull Self-Healing Meditation • Ancient Crystal Skulls • Crystal Skull Legend • Crystal Skull Meditation

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Angel Aura   Rare



Aqua Aura   Rare




Auralite 23   Rare

Azurite  Rare


Black Obsidian

Black Tourmaline


Blue Lace Agate


Chalcedony  Rare


Chevron Amethyst

Chrysocolla  Rare

Chrysoprase  Rare


Cryolite   Rare

Eclogite   Rare

Elemental Silica   Rare

Emerald   Rare

Epidote  Rare



Golden Healer  Rare

Golden Obsidian


Green Tourmaline


Himalayan Quartz


Isua   Rare

Impactite  Rare





Lapis Lazuli

Larimar   Rare


Libyan Gold Tektite


Meteorite Rare

Moldavite Rare


Moon Quartz

Morganite Rare

Nuummite   Rare



Opal  Rare


Phantom Quartz  Rare

Pietersite  Rare



Quartz Cluster

Rainbow Quartz

Rainbow Obsidian

Red Nuummite   Rare



Rose Quartz

Rubellite Tourmaline

Ruby  Rare

Rutilated Quartz

Ruby Zoisite

Selenite  Rare

Shungite  Rare

Silver Sheen Obsidian

Smoky Quartz


Star Rose Quartz


Thulite  Rare

Tiger Eye

Tiger Iron



Zebra Jasper


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Amar Energized

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Helping you achieve Wellness

Right now there are a lot of things that are commanding everyone's attention... one of the most important things to remember is that in addition to common sense approaches to hygiene and social distancing, health and wellbeing can also be maintained with high vibrational energies -- high vibrational thoughts and emotions support a healthy immune system, while lower vibrational energies such as fear can weaken our defenses. Remember to keep your crystal skulls around you to raise your vibration at this time, and try to maintain peace of mind, body, heart and spirit as much as possible.

And to support you at this time, we will be offering FOR FREE the Self-Healing guided meditation for maintaining your well-being that you can access anytime:

I have never engaged in any crystal skull meditations, but I have to say when I tried the self healing meditation with my lemon- plus sized skull, I had a wonderful experience.
(read more testimonials)


Crystal Skull Meditations for Self-Healing

Self-Healing With Crystal Skulls
(7.5 minutes)

By simply sitting comfortably with your crystal skull facing you, this guided meditation allows the Light through your crystal skull to cleanse your body and raise your vibration to the highest optimal frequencies for your wellbeing on all levels.

(Make sure you turn on your speakers / volume on your computer)


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to download and own for $4.44

7 minutes  ©2008 CrystalSkulls.com  All Rights Reserved.

... I feel quite elated and together at this time and plan on feeling this way for a long while to come...Thank you ever so much for this. (read more testimonials)

More Crystal Skull Meditations : https://www.crystalskulls.com/meditations.html


Healing with Crystal Skull Meditations

Healing with Crystal Skulls
Directing healing energy to others 
with your Crystal Skull 
(6.5 minutes) 

By simply sitting comfortably with your crystal skull facing away from you, this guided meditation allows you to focus the Light through your crystal skull to direct healing energy to others, individually or collectively, in order to cleanse them and raise their vibration to the highest optimal frequencies for wellbeing on all levels.

(Make sure you turn on your speakers / volume on your computer)


Buy Now
to download and own for $4.44

6 minutes  ©2008 CrystalSkulls.com  All Rights Reserved.

I have just done both [meditations] with some amazing results on self healing. All the pain in my body is gone at this moment and I plan on doing this a couple of times a day for a bit.

The connection meditation was ever so wonderful and that too will be repeated as to really wipe away old messages that are not of light.

I feel quite elated and together at this time and plan on feeling this way for a long while to come...Thank you ever so much for this. (read more testimonials)

More Crystal Skull Meditations : https://www.crystalskulls.com/meditations.html


Those who do not have a crystal skull that has been activated by the Tibetan Crystal Skull Amar, may connect with all the crystal skulls upon the crystalline grid and draw upon the power of 13 crystal skulls by sitting in front of this photograph of AMAR in the center of 12 crystal skulls ranging from a couple of pounds to over 20 lbs.

Crystal Skull Gathering
Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR in the center of 12 crystal skulls by CrystalSkulls.com
Photo Courtesy of Lee Simmons  ©CrystalSkulls.com


... I find them invaluable and have purchased all you have available at one time or another... (read more testimonials)

Check out all Crystal Skull Meditations


Crystal Skulls to Improve Health 

Every crystal skull offered on our website is energized with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Crystal Skull CANA IXIM, and therefore contains the healing potential of these energies if desired. The rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR was revered by monks in Tibet for spiritual rituals of healing and divination. This ceremonial healing practiced in a Tibetan monastery for many generations has imprinted AMAR with a particular healing frequency, and these energies are transmitted into new crystal skulls that are energized in the presence of this Tibetan Crystal Skull. The Mayan Blue Jade Crystal Skull CANA IXIM was also used in ceremonies for healing, prosperity and fertility by the Guatemala Maya - this crystal skull has a profound healing effect, particularly for women, and these healing energies are also imprinted in all of the crystal skulls that we offer.

Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR - Overview, lighted cranium

While crystals are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment, they can enhance and support energetic healing. When a particular mineral/stone is carved into a crystal skull, it becomes imbued with consciousness and can become a powerful magnifier of your intentions, augmenting the power of its energetic potential. The best way to work with the crystal skulls for healing is to to gently rub or place them on any area of the body that needs attention and also meditate holding the crystal skulls tightly in hand to benefit from their healing energies, while envisioning the desired outcome.

Here are a few recommendations for crystal skulls that are known to be powerful healers:

TURQUOISE - For centuries, turquoise has been considered the most powerful all-purpose healer

JADE - Jade is also considered a powerful all-purpose healer

AMBER - Genuine Amber is very good for healing, and for pain (but it must be genuine 100% natural Amber, not reconstituted)

QUARTZ - Of course, Quartz is an all-purpose stone with powerful healing properties as well - quartz amplifies and magnifies any intention.

Here are recommendations of crystal skulls to assist with healing specific physical, emotional, spiritual conditions:

Physical Healing with Crystal Skulls : https://crystalskulls.com/physical-healing.htm

Emotional Healing with Crystal Skulls : https://crystalskulls.com/emotional-healing.html

Spiritual Healing with Crystal Skulls : https://crystalskulls.com/spiritual-healing.html

There are also special crystal skulls that have been Q'ero energized which are ideal for profound healing, because the Q'eros infuse these crystal skulls with ancient codes of LIGHT, making them an optimum vehicle for achieving your desired intentions. https://www.crystalskulls.com/qeros/

Whatever crystal skull you choose, you can start self-healing or healing others with these guided meditations: https://crystalskulls.com/meditations.html


"Thank you--I'm looking forward to receiving my next skulls VERY much!   My skulls from my first order from you are AMAZING. The lemon-sized ascension quartz skull is incredible in his healing abilities--I hurt my foot two years ago, and the healing since I received the skulls has been accelerated incredibly.  It has almost healed completely, along with my shoulder--as I am also a massage therapist, and energy healer, and a gardener, so all this healing of myself will help me to heal others more effectively as well.  I think that his name is Omar, and he is already my good friend." (read more testimonials)


Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR:

Amar, the Tibetan Crystal Skull, was used by Tibetan monks for healing and divination, and holds the divine light of healing energy. Those who have a crystal skull that has been activated in the presence of Amar can draw this divine healing energy.

crystal skull Amar

"Healing is a State of Mind"

Everything has its own frequency and energy signature, including disease. Everything in creation is a pattern of energy held in place by intention, consciousness, and vibrational frequency. When you change the frequency, you alter the wavelength and the vibrational pattern, and therefore alter the form - this is essentially what is required for transformation.

When you awaken to begin the day, you are experiencing yourself and your life as a vibrational imprint and a living memory held in place by your thoughts, energies and beliefs. If you change your thoughts, energies and beliefs, then you change yourself and your reality. Every moment of every day everything about you changes from moment to moment - with each breath, each thought, each emotion, you are actually a different person with a different chemical makeup - therefore, you have the power to change yourself and change your life in an instant!

Vibrational patterns are not fixed, they are fluid energy that is maintained simply by repetitive thought/intention/vibration. Each thought has a particular energetic vibration, as does each emotion, as does each action, as does each intention. When you repeatedly focus on a particular thought/feeling/intention, then you vibrationally give it form and attract/create that frequency as the reality that you experience. This IS the Law of Attraction!

If you wish to change your reality and experience, then you MUST change your energetic vibration, and therefore you MUST change your thoughts, emotional reactions and responses, and you must also change your actions. As they say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different outcome. The only way to change the outcome is to change the pattern! Adjust your frequency to higher vibrational energies and you will have higher vibrational experiences.

For instance, if you are constantly focused on thoughts that promote fear and stress in your body, you create a vibration that is not conducive to wellness or wellbeing on any level (personally or globally for that matter!). If you meditate on peace, holding the vibration of peace and joy in your body, mind, heart and spirit, then you will live a life of joy and wellbeing - even when facing challenges, you will be able to approach them with greater peace and understanding.

Healing is a frequency, just as pain is a frequency, and each disease has its own particular energetic frequency. Healing can occur instantly, at the speed of thought, at the speed of LIGHT, because you can shift frequencies instantaneously. Try smiling right now... this will instantly shift and raise your frequency. Joy, love and pure laughter raise the energetic frequency, which is why laughter is so healing.

Crystal skulls also raise your vibration. The presence of crystal skulls can heal and uplift your body, mind, heart, and spirit, as well as your environment. Crystal skulls hold extremely high energetic frequencies, and can help to balance, harmonize and raise the frequencies of your physical and etheric self. When you are vibrating at the highest optimal frequencies for your health and wellbeing, no other states or conditions are possible...


"[My Crystal Skull] arrived in perfect condition. She's mesmerizing in person. Even from day 1 she's been helping me heal by her powerful presence, both in my sleep and during the day. I can feel this wonderful energy flow up my arms and surround me when I hold her. She's so very gentle and loving yet powerful. Thank you for making it possible for me to meet such a wonderful friend. I am very grateful that she is with me." (read more testimonials)


Free Subscription to the Crystal Skull Guardian from CrystalSkulls.com

For more activations check out these meditations

For more information on this rare Tibetan crystal skull click here

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Secrets of crystal skulls revealed, including ancient crystal skulls, 13 crystal skulls, mayan crystal skull. Featuring Free Crystal Skulls Healing Meditation and Wellness with Crystal Skulls.

mpath: Crystal Skull Healing Meditation